Vados (ヴァドス, Vadosu) serves as the attendant and martial arts instructor for Champa, the God of Destruction of Universe 6. She is the eldest daughter of the Grand Priest and the older sister of Whis.
Vados is a tall, slender humanoid with pale blue skin, violet eyes, and long white hair, which she styles into a high ponytail. Like Whis, she carries a scepter with a floating gem at its tip and wears a large, levitating light blue ring around her neck, similar to the Grand Minister. Her attire consists of green robes with puffy shoulders, a black cuirass featuring the same white and orange circle patterns as Champa’s, a red sash, green tights, and white high-heeled shoes with black soles.
Vados is polite yet straightforward, often teasing Champa about his weight and lack of fitness. She takes an active interest in his health, frequently commenting on his diet and stamina. For instance, she once pointed out his low endurance during a walk and later scolded him for drinking a sugary beverage between meals, even jokingly suggesting they skip breakfast and dinner the next day to balance his weight gain. This dynamic makes her not only his attendant but also his de facto dietitian.
Like her younger brother Whis, Vados enjoys tasting different foods. She is also highly perceptive and composed, as seen when Vegeta noted that she walks without leaving any openings for an attack, implying her strength is at least on par with Whis. She is eloquent, wise, and pragmatic, showing little hesitation when carrying out her duties. When Champa ordered her to destroy a planet, she complied without emotion.
During the Tournament of Power, when the Grand Minister revealed that the losing universes would be erased while only the Angels would be spared, Vados did not express visible concern for Champa. Instead, she silently smiled when he confronted her about it and sarcastically feigned tears at the thought of his erasure. However, despite her teasing, she showed a degree of respect for him, as evidenced by her formal bow before Universe 6’s erasure.
Vados stands out among the Angels for her level-headed perspective. While most Gods of Destruction resented Goku for triggering the Tournament of Power, Vados acknowledged that he had actually saved them all. She reminded them that Zeno had already intended to erase the weaker universes, and it was only Goku’s friendship with Zeno that granted them a chance to fight for survival—though her reasoning was largely ignored.
She also has a playful side, as seen when she orchestrated a fight between Beerus and Champa by preparing a birthday cake with only one Puff-Puff Fruit, knowing it would spark their rivalry—something Whis later pointed out.
Among her siblings, Vados appears closest to Whis. After Universe 6 was erased, she chose to sit with Universe 7's audience. When her sister Marcarita questioned her about this, possibly implying disloyalty since Universe 7 was responsible for Universe 6’s erasure, Vados appeared nervous while explaining herself. Her choice to side with Universe 7 may stem from her frequent interactions with Whis, given that their universes are twins.
Long ago, Champa and Beerus got into a heated argument when Beerus ate the only Puff-Puff Fruit on their shared birthday cake. As their fight escalated, Whis questioned Vados, suspecting that she had intentionally provoked the situation by placing only one fruit on the cake. Realizing that their battle could potentially destroy the universe, Vados and Whis stepped in, knocking both Champa and Beerus unconscious by striking their necks. Following this event, the two Gods of Destruction agreed never to engage in direct combat again, opting instead to settle their disputes through food competitions.
For decades, Champa searched tirelessly for the Super Dragon Balls. Through his efforts, he successfully located six out of the seven mystical orbs.
Dragon Ball Super
God of Destruction Beerus Saga
In the Dragon Ball Super manga, Vados and Champa travel to Universe 7, where they take note of Beerus awakening. They attempt to remain unnoticed while Beerus fights on King Kai's planet. Observing Beerus in action, they track his movements as he heads toward another world.
Meanwhile, Vados accompanies Champa as he destroys planets, all while collecting enormous orbs that had remained undiscovered. Their presence is eventually detected by Old Kai and Kibito Kai through Old Kai’s crystal ball. When confronted at the Sacred World of the Kai, Champa questions whether they overheard his conversation, but the Kais deny any knowledge of his plans. Despite their suspicions, Champa and Vados depart and continue gathering the orbs.
While traveling through space, they come across Garana’s ship, whose crew has discovered a massive orb that piques Champa’s interest. Vados watches as Champa obliterates Garana’s ship before they move on. She later warns him that Beerus may soon take notice of his activities, prompting Champa to halt his efforts temporarily and return home, bringing a gift for Beerus as a distraction.
Golden Frieza Saga
Vados and Champa continue their search for a particular planet within Universe 7, destroying any worlds they deem unworthy. At one point, Vados teleports onto a planet, inadvertently knocking Sorbet’s spaceship aside. When Champa orders her to destroy it, she refuses, suggesting that he do it himself. Frustrated by her defiance, Champa grows angry, prompting Vados to destroy the planet—even though it wasn’t the one they were searching for. The two then resume their mission.
Universe 6 Saga
Vados and Champa arrive on Beerus’ Planet, where Vados introduces herself to Goku and Vegeta as Whis’ older sister, claiming to be slightly stronger than him—though Whis disagrees. She also reveals that Champa is Beerus' twin brother and the God of Destruction of Universe 6. Whis explains that Universe 6 and Universe 7 are twin universes, together forming a sum of 13 when paired.
At Champa’s request, Vados searches for their universe’s Earth while Champa and Beerus engage in a food duel. She eventually locates it but reports that the Earthlings have driven themselves to extinction through war. Disappointed, Champa proposes a "Tournament of Destroyers," where five warriors from each universe will battle for the right to claim Universe 7’s Earth.
After Whis explains why Beerus and Champa no longer fight directly, the tournament rules are established: if Champa wins, he will use the Super Dragon Balls to switch Universe 7’s Earth with Universe 6’s. Vados is intrigued to learn that Goku is already familiar with the concept of Dragon Balls. If Beerus wins, Champa must surrender the six Super Dragon Balls he has collected, leaving Beerus to locate the final one himself. The tournament is scheduled to take place on the Nameless Planet in five Earth days at 10 a.m. After finalizing these details, Vados and Champa depart Beerus’ planet.
On the Nameless Planet, Vados constructs the tournament arena. She asks Champa if he has selected his fighters, and he remarks that after seeing Goku and Vegeta, he wants Saiyans on his team. On the day of the tournament, Vados oversees the arrival of Universe 7’s fighters and administers a written exam to determine eligibility. The test consists of ten basic questions, and participants must score at least 50 to compete. After the results are announced, all contestants qualify except Majin Buu, leaving Universe 7 at a disadvantage with a five-on-four lineup.
As the tournament begins, Vados watches as Goku faces off against Botamo. She is impressed by Goku’s remarkable speed, which exceeds her expectations. Although Botamo appears impervious to damage, Goku ultimately eliminates him by knocking him out of the ring. Next, Frost steps in as Universe 6’s second competitor. When Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan, Vados appears surprised, suggesting she is unfamiliar with the Super Saiyan transformation.
"Future" Trunks Saga
Vados and Champa later return to Universe 7, where they find themselves on Earth. There, Vados and Whis serve as referees for a baseball match between Universe 6 and Universe 7. When tensions rise between Beerus and Champa, their respective attendants step in to prevent a battle that could endanger both universes.
Later, Goku has Whis contact Vados to arrange for Hit to assassinate him, seeking a worthy challenge. While observing the fight between Goku and Hit, Vados explains some of Hit’s unique abilities to Champa. After the battle concludes and the true nature of the request is revealed, she and Champa return to their own universe.
Universe Survival Saga
In the manga, Vados is summoned alongside the other Angels and Gods of Destruction to Zeno’s Palace, where the Grand Minister announces the Tournament of Power. To ensure participation, he forces the Gods of Destruction into an exhibition match under the threat of universal erasure. When Champa complains about being out of practice, Vados dryly reminds him that he has only himself to blame for neglecting his training.
Vados accompanies Champa to the Tournament of Power preliminaries, where they observe the Zeno Expo match between Universe 7 and Universe 9. During the Gods of Destruction meeting, Vados is the only one who defends Goku, pointing out that without him, all eight competing universes would have been erased without a second chance. However, her reasoning is ignored by the other attendees.
During the Tournament of Power, Vados remains mostly quiet. After Universe 9 is erased, she sarcastically bids farewell to Champa, irritating him. She also comments that Universe 6’s warriors will need to fight better if they hope to survive. When Hit battles Dyspo, Vados silently observes but notes that she is able to follow Dyspo’s movements.
Vados chose to sit with her brother Whis, Beerus, and the eliminated Universe 7 fighters on their spectator bench after Universe 6 was erased. When the Grand Minister shrank the bleachers, Marcarita questioned why Vados was sitting with Universe 7. Vados casually responded, "With Universe 6 gone, I thought I’d make myself at home with Universe 7."
Super Dragon Ball Heroes
Universe Creation Saga
Vados, along with Champa, Beerus, and Whis, gathered the Super Dragon Balls and summoned Super Shenron to request the destruction of the Universe Tree.
Other Dragon Ball Stories
Xenoverse 2
Battle With Universe Six Saga
During the Tournament of Destroyers, Vados initially played the same role as in the original history. However, due to a disruption in the timeline, Goku and Majin Buu failed to appear for the tournament, forcing Beerus and Whis to leave without them, giving Universe 6 an unfair advantage. To correct this, Chronoa and Old Kai in Age 852 dispatched the second Future Warrior to take Buu’s place, as he had never fought in the original timeline. Meanwhile, Future Trunks and his partner were sent to find Goku.
The Future Warrior arrived in Age 779, landing in the middle of the arena, where they were confronted by Beerus. Chronoa quickly explained that they were there to fight for Universe 7. While Beerus was hesitant, he ultimately accepted their presence. Champa, however, objected, claiming Universe 7 was bringing in outside help. Beerus countered by pointing out that, due to the missing fighters, Universe 6 already had an unfair advantage. Vados reminded everyone about the written test requirement, which the Future Warrior had not yet taken. Champa, pleased that she recalled this rule, anticipated that the new fighter would fail. Beerus and Whis agreed that the warrior would take the exam before competing.
With Goku still absent, history was altered, leading to Piccolo facing Botamo instead. As Piccolo fought, the Future Warrior completed the test under Vados' supervision. Elder Kai, having forgotten about the test, was scolded by Chronoa for his oversight. Fortunately, the warrior passed, much to Champa’s irritation, especially after Piccolo defeated Botamo. Matters worsened for Universe 6 when Future Trunks and the original Future Warrior returned with Goku, who had mistakenly thought the tournament was scheduled for a different day and had been training with King Kai.
Once again, Vados reminded Universe 7 of the exam requirement, expressing her frustration at having to do so repeatedly. Beerus ordered Goku to take the test, and while Champa accused Universe 7 of cheating by bringing in fighters last minute, Beerus argued that the tournament was now balanced. Champa suggested speeding things up with tag-team matches, which Beerus agreed to. This led to the Future Warrior teaming up with Piccolo to face Frost and Cabba.
Elder Kai noted that Frost shouldn’t have started in his final form, attributing the change to Goku’s delay. During the fight, Frost resorted to using his Secret Poison against the Future Warrior, nearly eliminating them by ring-out. However, Piccolo intervened, allowing the warrior to recover. Jaco exposed Frost’s cheating, leading to his disqualification. Cabba, shocked by Frost’s actions, was informed by Vados that Frost was actually the secret leader of the space pirates. Frost proudly admitted it, but Vegeta demanded the Future Warrior fight him anyway. Meanwhile, Goku barely managed to pass the exam and officially entered the tournament.
The Future Warrior defeated Frost, leading to Hit stepping in while Cabba remained. Vegeta asked Piccolo to forfeit his spot, allowing him to battle Cabba. Just as in the original timeline, Vegeta realized Cabba couldn’t transform and attacked him harshly. Future Trunks, unaware of his father's true intent, was initially disgusted, but Vegeta's actions ultimately pushed Cabba to unlock Super Saiyan. Impressed, Future Trunks acknowledged Cabba’s power despite his recent transformation.
Beerus questioned Whis about Auta Magetta, who had withdrawn from the tournament after Champa insulted him by calling him a "rust bucket." With his will to fight shattered, Magetta went home. The Future Warrior then defeated Cabba, only to discover that Vegeta had been taken down by Hit, who had been empowered by the Supervillain power-up.
As the battle escalated, Beerus and Whis noticed that Monaka had fainted from excitement. Goku was forced to step in, but before he could fight, Cabba and Frost reentered the ring under the influence of Supervillain Mode. Goku attempted to convince Monaka to join, but Beerus, knowing Monaka’s true strength, refused and instead urged Goku to win. Champa, eager for more action, declared a battle royale, which Beerus dismissed.
Goku activated Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken to take on Hit while the Future Warrior focused on eliminating Cabba and Frost. Once Cabba and Frost were defeated, they reverted to normal, leaving Goku and Hit as the final fighters. The Future Warrior stepped out of the ring, prompting an outraged Beerus to demand an explanation. Chronoa intervened, revealing that it was a Time Patrol mission. Meanwhile, Champa, in high spirits, taunted his brother.
Vados watched as Goku powered up and unleashed a Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken Kamehameha against Hit. According to Future Trunks, Goku ultimately defeated Hit, securing Universe 7's victory. These timeline alterations were presumably erased once Chronoa restored the original history.
Visiting the Time Nest
Following the events of the Battle With Universe 6 Saga, Vados later visited the Time Nest and was found relaxing behind Chronoa’s residence near the junk pile.
Infinite History Saga
If the Future Warrior chose Whis as their mentor, Fu teleported Vados and Champa to the battlefield, where she engaged in combat against them.
Powers and Statistics
Tier: 2-C
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity, Acrobatics, Flight, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Master in Martial Arts, Pressure Point Strikes, Afterimage Creation, Ki Manipulation (Master Level), Shockwaves Generation, Telekinesis, Clairvoyance, Cosmic Awareness, Ki Sensing, Age Manipulation, Sealing, Enhanced Senses, Retrocognition and Image Projection (Can use her staff to project images from the past), Transmutation and Matter Manipulation (Molecular-level; Created a breathable atmosphere and a bubble field around it and more), Likely Instinctive Action (Via Ultra Instinct), Dimensional Storage, Dimensional Travel, Sound Manipulation, Space Time Manipulation and Portal Creation at buu saga levels of power she can create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with her energy), Resurrection, Acausality (Type 4; Beings at the level of a God work with a different logic of causality,[1] despite Dragon Ball's cosmology, solving time paradoxes by branching timeline into a new one to accommodate any changes in the past while still keeping the future unchanged[2]), Limited Causality Manipulation (Beings at the level of a God to not follow the typical logic of causality, these characters have the capability to alter history in ways mortals can't.[1] Effectively alter history despite Dragon Ball's cosmology solving time paradoxes by branching timeline into a new one to accommodate any changes in the past while still keeping the future unchanged[2]), Teleportation, Time Travel and Limited Time Manipulation, Healing, BFR, Restoration (Restored her dome). Resistance to Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiations (Able to travel in outer space, which is extremely cold[3][4] and filled with cosmic radiation), Extrasensory Perception (Cannot be sensed by beings lesser than a “God”), Corrosion Inducement (Was unfazed by a wave of energy from Beerus and Champa, which corroded a room around them[5]), Extreme Heat (Other Angels can withstand the extremely high temperatures[6] at the Earth's core without any protection), Empathic Manipulation (Was unaffected[7] by Ribrianne's Light of Love). Possibly Resistance to Existence Erasure, Soul Destruction, Void Manipulation and Space-Time Erasure (History & Space-Time; Could resist the clash between Beerus and Champa that potentially had Destruction energy[5])
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Should be more powerful than Beerus and Champa combined. Casually one shot Champa, who's comparable to Beerus and can purge two universes if he and his brother fight each other. She is as strong as Whis, if not more powerful)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (At least 118.25 sextillion c, likely at least 12.1088 quattuordecillion c)
Lifting Strength: At least Class T (Far stronger than Base Goku, who endured Pretty Black Hole´s gravitational pull), Class Y with Telekinesis
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level (Incapacitated Champa and knocked him out in one hit)
Durability: Low Multiverse level (It's been stated and shown that the Universe 6 and 7's Gods of Destruction can't defeat her. Her durability is greater than or at least comparable to Whis's)
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Extended Melee Range with her staff; Low Multiversal with ki blasts and attacks
- Angel Attendant’s Staff – Like her brother and other Angel attendants, Vados wields a staff with numerous functions. In Xenoverse 2, she channels her ki into it to fire Ki Blasts and execute her Destruction Concerto Energy Sphere techniques. It is also a key part of her Destruction’s Conductor move.
- Halo – Like her Angelic siblings, Vados wears her halo around her neck.
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius combatant. It can be assumed that she has an invaluable amount of fighting experience and knowledge, as Whis said that Vados trained him over a thousand years ago.. Like all angels, she has mastered Ultra instinct
Weaknesses: None notable
Attacks and Techniques
Flight – The ability to fly using ki.
Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy attack. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Vados can fire Ki Blasts from the tip of her staff.
Immortality – As an Angel, Vados can only be "eradicated" if she violates the Angel laws.
Autonomous Ultra Instinct – As an Angel, Vados is always in the Perfected Ultra Instinct state.
Warp – A transportation technique that allows her to travel anywhere at will.
Divination – Using her staff, Vados can observe any location in the universe. Like her brother, she closes one eye while using the other to focus through her staff, as seen when she searched for Universe 6’s Earth.
Finishing Blow – A powerful chop to the opponent’s neck, though applied with less force.
Time Rewind – In Dragon Ball Fusions, Vados can use Time Rewind, just like her brother, as one of her Special Moves.
Energy Shield – Vados can generate an extremely large and powerful energy shield that lasts for over five days. It was strong enough to withstand ki blasts from Champa without sustaining damage.
Matter Manipulation – Vados can manipulate matter, allowing her to create an arena, food stands stocked with food, portraits of Beerus and Champa, audience seating, and even a breathable atmosphere on the Nameless Planet. In Xenoverse 2, she can also summon her staff out of thin air, just as her brother does in the main series and her father in the manga.
- Requiem of Destruction – Used in Dragon Ball Heroes and Xenoverse 2.
- Prelude to Destruction: Arranged Version – Used in Dragon Ball Fusions.
- Destruction’s Concerto – Used in Xenoverse 2.
- Destruction’s Concerto: Starfall – Used in Xenoverse 2.
- Destruction’s Concerto: Comet – Used in Xenoverse 2.
- Destruction’s Concerto: Meteor – Used in Xenoverse 2.
- Destruction’s Conductor – Used in Xenoverse 2.