Goku Black

From The Character Database
Goku Black
"I look down on existence from a much higher perspective than you do. I witness this world, this universe, and the truth of all things. That yields deeper understanding. Wisdom. The realization that all mortals should be destroyed! The one and only mistake among all divine creations: that is what mortals are. And this mistake is egregious! To shape existence into the beautiful utopia it was always meant to be, the mistake must be corrected! I will purge all mortals from existence... in place of the gods WHO REFUSE TO ADMIT FAILURE!!"
― Black to Future Trunks in "Feelings That Transcend Time: Trunks and Mai

Vital statistics
Names Zamasu

Zamas, Black, Present Zamas, Present Zamasu, Son Goku, Rosé, Black Goku, Rosé Goku Black

Gender Male
Race Saiyan/Saiyajin, Core Person/Shinjin (Formerly), Monaka's Race (manga; (Formerly)), 1/2 Core Person-1/2 Saiyan (manga; after mutating), Ginyu's race (temporarily; Xenoverse 2)
Occupation North Kai of Universe 10, Apprentice Supreme Kai, Supreme Kai (anime only), Unofficial Supreme Kai (manga only)
Origin Dragon Ball Super Episode 47: "SOS from the Future: A Dark New Enemy" (未み来らいからのSOSエスオーエス!黒くろき新あらたな敵てき現あらわる!! Mirai kara no Esu·Ō·Esu! Kuroki Aratana Teki Arawaru!!, lit. "SOS From the Future! A Black New Enemy Appears!!"
Alignment Evil
Age Unknown (Biologically: 46)
Created By Akira Toriyama,
Height 175 cm (5'9")
Weight 62 kg (137 lbs)
Personality Type {{{personality type}}}

Goku Black (ゴクウブラック, Gokū Burakku), also known as Black (ブラック, Burakku), and later revealed to be Zamasu (ザマス, Zamasu), is a formidable alternate incarnation of Zamasu. Originally, Zamasu was a North Kai and Supreme Kai apprentice, serving under Gowasu in Universe 10's unaltered main timeline. Goku Black becomes the primary antagonist in the "Future" Trunks Saga of Dragon Ball Super.

Goku Black's journey to power begins with his visit to Universe 6, where he uses the Super Dragon Balls from that timeline to summon Super Shenron. He wishes to switch bodies with Goku from Universe 7's main timeline, and his wish is granted. This body swap transforms Zamasu into Goku Black, who then embarks on a mission to annihilate all mortals, partnering with his alternate self, Future Zamasu.

When Goku Black arrives in Future Trunks' timeline, he initially introduces himself as Goku. However, due to his distinct and darker attire compared to Goku's usual look, Future Bulma dubs him "Goku Black." He adopts this name, even after revealing his true identity as Zamasu. Goku Black's goal is to eradicate all mortal life, driven by a twisted sense of justice and a belief that mortals are inherently flawed and unworthy of existence.

Concept and Creation

In an interview, Akira Toriyama revealed that the concept for Goku Black was inspired by the "copy of the hero" trope found in various media, such as "False Ultra Man" from the Ultraman series and "False Kamen Rider" from the Kamen Rider franchise .


Initially, Zamasu, Goku Black's original form, appears as his future timeline counterpart: a Kai of above-average height, slim build, green skin, and white Mohawk. After killing his master, Gowasu, he adopts Gowasu's green Potara earrings with gold chains. Upon switching bodies with Goku, granted by Super Shenron, his Saiyan body undergoes some physical changes. While Goku Black retains Goku's essential appearance, he exhibits a slightly darker skin tone, more defined eyes, and a somewhat leaner physique. His hair is a darker black, with four spikes in the front and three in the back.

Originally clad in his Supreme Kai attire, Goku Black transitions to a grey dogi, a long-sleeved black turtleneck undershirt, a red sash, black pants, and pointy white boots. He also retains one Potara earring on his left ear, while his future counterpart wears the other. In the anime, Goku Black wears a Time Ring on his right index finger, whereas in the manga, his counterpart holds it. Additionally, in the manga, he has thick black outlines around his eyes, reminiscent of those under Babidi's Manipulation Sorcery.


Initially, as Zamasu, he is calm and patient, willing to heed his teacher's words. However, he harbors a deep-seated hatred for mortals, viewing them as the gods' greatest mistake. He grows to despise the gods for their inaction. Upon succumbing to his darker impulses, Zamasu kills his former master, marking the start of his descent into villainy. Despite his ruthless and aggressive actions, Zamasu believes his cause is just, seeing no evil in his deeds. He scours various timelines to prove that mortals corrupt existence and hinder true paradise.

Zamasu scapegoats mortals for his actions, using Future Trunks' violation of time travel to justify his and Future Zamasu's goal of exterminating all life. Like Android 13, he cites mortal failings to rationalize his carnage. Rather than using the Super Dragon Balls to wish for the eradication of mortals, he wishes to switch bodies with Goku, highlighting his infatuation with the Saiyan. This suggests that he desired to personally destroy mortals, believing it was his duty as if he were the Supreme God.

After becoming Goku Black, his personality shifts dramatically. While he retains a level of politeness and grace from his former self, especially during his initial battle with Goku, he becomes much more emotional and unhinged. Unlike Goku, who is composed and enjoys battle as a form of mutual growth, Goku Black is sadistic, bloodthirsty, and hypocritical. He revels in the suffering of his enemies, often prolonging their pain to enjoy their torment. This is evident when he deliberately fractures Future Trunks' arm and bombards him with ki blasts while he is defenseless .

Goku Black's newfound body also seems to amplify certain Saiyan traits, such as his masochistic enjoyment of pain, seeing it as a means to grow stronger. He shares Goku’s determination and persistence, never abandoning a goal once set, as seen in his relentless pursuit of Future Trunks after he escapes to the past. However, unlike Goku, who values personal growth through effort, Goku Black's entire existence as a powerful Saiyan is based on the shortcut of body-swapping .

Despite his desire to fight and defeat strong opponents, Goku Black is vain and views himself as the pinnacle of beauty and power. When he achieves the Super Saiyan Rosé form, he boasts about its aesthetic superiority and revels in its perceived elegance and dominance over the universe .

Differences Between Anime and Manga

Goku Black’s character portrayal in the Dragon Ball Super anime and manga has notable differences. In the anime, he maintains a calm and composed demeanor, even when facing defeat. His fighting style is marked by finesse and flamboyance. Conversely, in the manga, Goku Black is prone to losing his composure when things do not go his way, often reacting with intense rage and adopting a more brute-force approach in battles .

This divergence in personality is partly due to the differences in his relationship with Goku. In the manga, Goku Black never meets Goku before their encounter in the future timeline, which means he does not develop the same personal connection or adopt Goku's traits like composure in battle or passion for fighting. This also reflects in his relationship with Future Zamasu; in the anime, they see each other as genuine allies, whereas in the manga, they view each other with contempt, seeing the other merely as a means to an end .

In one particularly stark display of his brutality, manga Goku Black rhetorically mocks Gowasu while stabbing him, highlighting his sadistic nature and disdain for his former mentor's attempts to dissuade him from his destructive path. This darker, more ruthless interpretation aligns with the overall portrayal of manga Goku Black as a more aggressive and less composed character than his anime counterpart .



Main article: Zamasu

Initially, Goku Black and the Zamasu from the altered main timeline were the same individual. However, the timeline was split when Future Trunks traveled back in time, altering the history of the main timeline. Beerus’s destruction of the Zamasu in this altered timeline created a divergence. As a result, the Zamasu who would become Goku Black shares the same past and characteristics as the Zamasu from the altered present timeline before Beerus destroyed him. Thanks to the protective powers of the Time Ring, the death of the altered timeline’s Zamasu did not affect Goku Black.

Zamasu’s Wish to Super Shenron Zamasu, holding deep distrust for mortals and disillusioned by the Supreme Kais' passive role in the universe, became the North Kai of Universe 10. Recognizing his prodigious fighting abilities, he was chosen to train under Gowasu, one of the current Supreme Kais. As Zamasu's frustration with mortals and the passive guidance of the Kais grew, he rejected Gowasu's teachings and went rogue. He formulated "Project Zero Mortals," a plan aimed at annihilating all mortals and gods to create what he saw as a "beautiful utopia." This vision involved using a Time Ring, which he obtained by killing Gowasu and taking his Potara earrings to become a Supreme Kai.

The Body Swap with Goku In the anime, Zamasu, learning of Goku’s strength that surpassed even that of the Supreme Kais, traveled to the future using the Time Ring. He gathered the Super Dragon Balls and wished to switch bodies with Goku. Once his wish was granted, Zamasu, now in Goku's body, eliminated all of Goku’s personal connections by killing his family and adopted the name Son Goku. In the manga, Zamasu initially swapped bodies with Monaka, the Tournament of Destroyers victor, but upon realizing Monaka's weakness, he quickly switched to Goku’s body.

Seeking an Unchallenged Reality Despite his newfound power, Zamasu sought a reality free from the interference of a God of Destruction. He began exploring various parallel realities to find an ideal setting where he could act unchallenged. He discovered such a reality in Future Trunks' timeline, where the Supreme Kai of Universe 7, Shin, had perished in battle against Babidi and Dabura, resulting in the death of Future Beerus due to their life-link. Here, Goku Black encountered Future Zamasu, his counterpart in this timeline. After killing Future Gowasu, the two allied and used the Super Dragon Balls to grant Future Zamasu immortality. They then traveled a year into the future and wished for the Super Dragon Balls to destroy themselves. They covertly eradicated all the Supreme Kais of that timeline, which in turn killed their corresponding Gods of Destruction, leaving their path of annihilation unchallenged.

The Rampage on Earth Under the guise of "Son Goku," Zamasu, now Goku Black, began a genocidal campaign across multiple planets, claiming it was for the "sake of justice." Upon arriving on Earth, he unleashed destruction, wiping out half of humanity in his initial attack. The survivors, led by Mai and supported by Future Trunks, formed resistance cells. Despite their efforts, they couldn't match Goku Black's overwhelming power. At one point, Mai and the Resistance attempted to trap Goku Black with explosives, but he emerged unscathed. Trunks confronted Black, who justified his actions by stating his belief that humanity was inherently violent, corrupt, and a failed creation of the gods. Black easily overpowered Trunks, but Trunks managed to escape with Mai's help after she used a flash grenade to blind Black temporarily.

Dragon Ball Super

"Future" Trunks Saga

"It's about time, Saiyan. You've been running around making messes for too long and now I'm going to choke the life from you. I can't wait to watch you die." — Goku Black's first words as he intercepts and prepares to finish off Future Trunks in "SOS from the Future: A Dark New Enemy Appears!"

Future Trunks narrowly survives his initial encounter with Goku Black. Determined to save his timeline, he spends a year preparing to travel back in time with Bulma’s help. However, just as they are ready to embark, Black intercepts them, leading to Bulma's tragic death and the destruction of their hideout. Trunks manages to escape with enough fuel for a one-way trip to the past, while Black relentlessly pursues him.

Upon his arrival at Capsule Corporation, Black launches a brutal attack on Trunks and Mai, incapacitating Mai and severely wounding Trunks. In a desperate response, Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan and engages Black in combat, only to be overpowered. Black blocks Trunks' Masenko attack, but Trunks manages to vanish and prepare to flee in the time machine. Sensing Trunks’ ki, Black attempts a final Kamehameha but narrowly misses as Trunks escapes, leaving Black infuriated and vowing to track him down.

In the anime, while Black is puzzling over Trunks' escape, the Time Ring he wears reacts unexpectedly, creating a portal to the past. Passing through, Black finds himself in the present timeline, where he confronts Goku, Vegeta, and a shocked Future Trunks. Recognizing Goku, Vegeta, and even the God of Destruction Beerus, Black engages Goku in battle. Initially, Goku matches Black as a Super Saiyan 2, but Black reveals his darker, more sinister ki and launches a series of powerful attacks. As the battle progresses, Black begins to adapt to Goku’s power and techniques, even delighting in the pain that makes him stronger.

During the intense fight, Black detects a distortion in time and space, distracting him momentarily. Goku seizes this chance to land a powerful blow, but Black, now further empowered by his injuries, continues the assault. Realizing the Time Machine's function, Black focuses on it just as Goku lands another punch, forcing Black towards the distortion pulling him back to his timeline. Before disappearing, Black destroys Trunks’ Time Machine, stranding Trunks in the past and gloating over his victory.

Back in Future Trunks' timeline, Black recovers and tests his increased powers, delighting in his growth. He proceeds to terrorize the resistance, effortlessly wiping out most of its members. However, when Trunks returns to the future with Goku and Vegeta, Black is surprised and confronts them. He battles Vegeta first, mocking him as the “opening act” before his real fight with Goku. Transforming into Super Saiyan Rosé, Black easily overpowers Vegeta, delivering a near-fatal blow.

As Goku steps in to fight, the battle initially appears even, but Black’s overwhelming power soon gives him the upper hand. Just as he prepares to finish Goku with a Super Black Kamehameha, Future Zamasu intervenes, insisting on keeping his promise to kill Goku himself.

In the anime, Black and Future Zamasu team up, overpowering Goku and Trunks and launching a combined attack that damages the two Saiyans. As Vegeta buys time for their escape, Black tries to sense their faint ki mixed among others but fails to locate them. Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta return to the past using another Time Machine, which Black senses but cannot stop.

In the manga, the battle between Black and Vegeta unfolds differently. Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta initially dominates Black, who cannot achieve the Super Saiyan Blue form. However, Black’s near-death experience from Vegeta’s attacks allows him to power up significantly, eventually evolving into Super Saiyan Rosé and holding his own against Vegeta. After another intense fight, Vegeta is taken down, and Black's power continues to grow.

As Future Trunks attempts to resist, Black easily overpowers him until Gowasu intervenes. Despite his surprise, Black resumes his assault, but Trunks and Mai escape. Returning to their base, Black dismisses Zamasu's concerns about Future Zeno’s potential intervention, confident in the righteousness of their cause.

When the Saiyan trio returns to the future, Black and Future Zamasu are waiting. Vegeta charges at Black, who transforms into Super Saiyan Rosé and resumes their battle. During the fight, Black reveals his true identity as Zamasu, who used the Super Dragon Balls to switch bodies with Goku and then killed him in his original body.

As the battle continues, Black and Future Zamasu dominate the Saiyan trio. Black stabs Goku with his Violent Fierce God Slicer, mirroring how he killed Goku in the past, and reveals he also killed Chi-Chi and Goten. Enraged, Goku's power surges, temporarily overpowering Black and Future Zamasu, but he is eventually subdued. The duo blames Trunks for the timeline disruptions, declaring him a "sinner" and pushing him to access a new, powerful Super Saiyan transformation.

In the manga, Black overwhelms Trunks in their fight until Mai’s intervention. As he prepares to finish Trunks, Gowasu saves them by transporting them away. Black and Zamasu then return home, dismissing concerns about their actions and focusing on their plans.

In a decisive battle, Vegeta returns to fight Black and delivers a powerful thrashing, asserting his superiority and calling Black a fake. Enraged, Black uses his energy blade to create a scythe and slashes at Vegeta, opening a rift in time that spawns illusionary clones.

"Very well, no more games or half-measures. Because these insolent mortals continue to defy and profane us, we will reveal to them the ultimate power of the gods." — Goku Black before fusing with Future Zamasu in "Worship Me! Give Praise Unto Me! The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu!"

Sensing Future Zamasu's distress after escaping the Evil Containment Wave, Black teleports to him using Instant Transmission, with Goku and Vegeta in pursuit. Acknowledging their opponents' unexpected strength, Black and Future Zamasu decide to fuse using the Potara earrings, creating the immensely powerful Fused Zamasu. However, their fusion is ultimately undone when Future Zeno erases their timeline, ending their reign of terror.

In the manga, Fused Zamasu’s fusion ends after an hour, but due to Future Zamasu's immortality, they remain stuck in a deformed state. Future Trunks cuts them in half, allowing them to reform individually. Black, injured but undeterred, transforms back into Fused Zamasu. After Goku and Vegeta destroy their fused forms, the pieces reform into multiple Zamases. Ultimately, Future Zeno erases their timeline, putting an end to their plans once and for all.

Powers and Statistics

Tier: 2-C | 2-C | 2-C | 2-C | 2-C

Key: Zamasu | Before replicating Goku's style | After replicating Goku's style | Super Saiyan Rosé | Post-Final Vegeta Fight

Powers and Abilities:


  1. Name and Pronunciation:
    • While the character's name "Goku Black" could theoretically be translated as "Wukong Black," the official Japanese usage opts for katakana (ゴクウ) instead of the kanji (悟空).
  2. Pronoun Usage:
    • Goku Black’s choice of pronouns evolves with his transformation:
      • Initially, he uses the formal "watashi" (私), mirroring Zamasu’s speech.
      • Upon transforming into Super Saiyan Rosé, he switches to the more masculine and assertive "ore" (俺).
      • As Fused Zamasu, he refers to himself with "kono Zamasu" (このザマス) or the poetic "ware" (我).
  3. Fight Differences in Media:
    • In the anime, Goku Black and Goku face off multiple times, whereas in the manga, they never directly fight.
  4. Dark Magic in Games:
    • Despite Dark Magic generally being ineffective on gods, in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Goku Black and Future Zamasu can be controlled by Towa's Villainous Mode. This suggests they might have willingly accepted the spell to increase their power, akin to Vegeta becoming Majin Vegeta under Babidi’s influence.
  5. Body-Switching Villains:
    • Goku Black is the second villain to switch bodies with Goku, after Captain Ginyu. Including movie villains, he's the third to consider it, following Dr. Wheelo’s intention.
  6. Visual and Symbolic Parallels:
    • Goku Black’s debut episode features lettuce, likely a nod to Turles, a villain who also closely resembles Goku and embodies pure evil. Unlike Turles, Black uses Goku’s actual body.
    • In Xenoverse 2, Black and Turles interact, with special dialogue if they fight each other.
  7. Voice Acting:
    • Sean Schemmel’s portrayal of Goku Black in Xenoverse 2 varies by form:
      • Base form: Gruff voice similar to Goku's Super Saiyan 4.
      • Super Saiyan Rosé: British accent, reflecting the Zamasu influence.
    • In Dragon Ball FighterZ, Black’s Super Saiyan Rosé form reverts to the gruff voice in certain pre-battle dialogues.
  8. Pop Culture Reference:
    • A quote from Goku Black in Xenoverse 2 references the famous G.I. Joe phrase: “because knowing is half the battle, and the other half is the battle.”
  9. Irony in Creation:
    • Ironically, Goku Black’s actions in the altered timeline are the result of Goku’s and Future Trunks' interference, which inadvertently led to Zamasu's obsession with mortals and Goku's body.
    • In the manga, Zamasu discovers Goku through GodTube and is driven to steal Goku’s body after observing him in battle.
  10. Comparisons to Baby:
    • Both Goku Black and Baby (from Dragon Ball GT) share several characteristics:
      • A deep hatred for Saiyans and a plan involving new Dragon Balls.
      • Using Saiyan bodies for power and employing modified Super Saiyan forms.
      • They embody the traits they despise: Mortals for Black, Saiyans for Baby.
      • Both cause significant harm to an incarnation of Bulma.
  11. Fighter Interactions:
    • In Dragon Ball FighterZ, Frieza humorously notes that if Goku were more like Black, they could have been friends.
    • Despite rejecting immortality in the series, Black can wish for it in FighterZ, echoing his counterpart Future Zamasu.
  12. Journey to the West Parallel:
    • Goku Black’s story mirrors the Six-eared Macaque from Journey to the West, who mimics Wukong’s appearance and fighting style, similar to how Black assumes Goku's body and techniques.


  1. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 61
  2. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 67
  3. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 59
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Dragon Ball: Chapter 29 - Find the Stone!
  5. Dragon Ball: Chapter 3 - Sea Monkeys!
  6. Dragon Ball: Chapter 164 - Enter God
  7. Dragon Ball: Chapter 179 - The Two Weak Points
  8. Dragon Ball: Chapter 450 - Stage Two's Yakon
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 9.2 Dragon Ball Super: Episode 64 - Worship Me! Give Praise Unto Me! The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu!
  10. Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
  11. Dragon Ball, Chapter 29 — Find the Stone!
  12. Dragon Ball, Chapter 3 — Sea Monkeys!
  13. Dragon Ball, Chapter 164 — Enter God
  14. Dragon Ball, Chapter 179 — The Two Weak Points
  15. Dragon Ball, Chapter 450 — Stage Two's Yakon