“ | How unnecessary! Look at the sky! Everything you see glow is the energy of the humans! Everything can die through my powers! And then my Zero Mortals Plan will be finally realized!
„ |
― Crimson-Masked Saiyan to the Warrior in Black Clothes |
Articles about Zamasu |
Goku Black, Zamasu, Fused Zamasu, Crimson-Masked Saiyan, Zamasu (Super Dragon Ball Heroes) |
The Crimson-Masked Saiyan (紅あかき仮か面めんのサイヤ人じん, Akaki Kamen no Saiya-jin), often referred to simply as Crimson, is an alternate incarnation of Goku Black (ゴクウブラック, Gokū Burakku), whose destiny was altered by the intervention of Fu.
Crimson's primary goal was to attain complete mastery over his Saiyan body. To achieve this, he embarked on a mission to eliminate countless versions of Goku across different timelines. This relentless pursuit was part of his broader ambition to fulfill Project Zero Mortals. Crimson aimed to exterminate all mortals across every reality.
To implement his plan, Crimson utilized a method involving the Pseudo Universe. He populated this artificial realm with mortals and systematically annihilated them. This act of mass destruction was designed to extend to Universe 7, effectively wiping out all mortal life there as well.
Crimson resembles Goku Black but with several distinctive features. He retains Goku's body but with a slightly darker complexion and more pronounced, intense eyes. His physique is leaner and more defined, giving him a slightly slimmer appearance. Notably, his hair is a deeper shade of black, styled with four spikes in the front and three in the back.
Crimson's attire includes a black vest with extended flaps both in the front and back, fastened with a black belt over a dark gray, long-sleeved shirt, and matching dark gray baggy pants. He wears a black glove on his right hand and has magenta bracers with white edges on his wrists and shins. Additionally, he sports magenta armbands with black edges and black boots featuring a dull yellow toe cap and heel, crossed by thin lines.
A key element of Crimson's appearance is his Time Breaker Mask, marked by red cracks and revealing a single pink-glowing eye. Throughout the series, the mask becomes increasingly cracked. The mask's influence alters his eyes to glow red instead of the usual black of his Goku counterpart. When in his Super Saiyan Rosé form, his eyes remain red, albeit without the glowing effect, in contrast to the gray eyes seen in his main timeline version.
Crimson's personality closely mirrors that of Goku Black, particularly in his obsession with surpassing and destroying Goku. He relentlessly pursued and defeated various incarnations of Goku across multiple timelines to further enhance his stolen body. This obsession is not just a pursuit of power but a deeply rooted vendetta against Goku himself.
Crimson's cunning is evident when he deftly turns the tables on Fu. Despite Fu's attempt to alter Crimson's future for his own schemes, Crimson adeptly uses these changes to manipulate Fu and advance his own plans. This strategic acumen highlights his ability to exploit situations to his advantage.
Crimson retains a fierce drive to exterminate all mortals, a goal he aggressively pursues by eradicating mortal life across multiple timelines. His plan to leverage the Pseudo Universe's properties to annihilate all mortals in Universe 7 underscores his commitment to the Project Zero Mortals initiative. Unlike the original Goku Black, who focused on eliminating mortals individually, Crimson takes pleasure in obliterating entire planets, showcasing a more sadistic streak.
Upon achieving Super Saiyan Rosé Full Power, Crimson exhibits arrogance akin to Future Zamasu and Fused Zamasu. He places immense faith in his body's new regenerative abilities, believing they can instantly reverse any damage. This overconfidence is highlighted when he willingly absorbs a punch from Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta, despite Gogeta's superior power. This act may also stem from his shared masochistic tendencies with Goku Black, as he seems to derive pleasure from enduring pain.
However, Crimson's confidence shatters when faced with a stronger opponent. When Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Gogeta begins to overpower him, Crimson's demeanor shifts to one of rage and disbelief. He vehemently refuses to accept that a mortal could surpass him, highlighting his deep-seated pride and intolerance for being outmatched.
Crimson shared the same backstory as Goku Black until a critical intervention by Fu. Fu contacted Crimson and revealed the constraints of his current trajectory, warning him of his eventual defeat due to the limitations of his body. He also provided Crimson with a Time Breaker Mask. To avoid this doomed future, Crimson diverged from his original path by traveling across various parallel timelines instead of collaborating with Future Zamasu.
In these timelines, Crimson faced and defeated 99 different versions of Goku, including those who had achieved formidable transformations such as Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan God, and Super Saiyan Blue in the anime. Notably, in the manga, he even fought against the 86th Goku, who had attained Ultra Instinct Sign. Through these battles, Crimson aimed to fully master his stolen body and unlock its ultimate potential.
During this period, it was also revealed that Crimson had resumed Project Zero Mortals, systematically exterminating all mortal life in multiple timelines. Furthermore, he used Fu's assistance to his advantage, manipulating Fu to further his own agenda, which possibly included acquiring the Time Breaker Mask. Eventually, Crimson entered the Pseudo Universe once it was created, while Fu found himself trapped in the Time Labyrinth alongside Xeno Vegito.
During Goku and Hearts' battle with Frieza and Meta-Cooler, Crimson observes from above, encouraging the fight to further his own plans. He eventually infuses Frieza and Meta-Cooler with the Dark Dragon Balls, enhancing their power. In the anime, he takes pleasure in Broly's chaotic entrance into the battle, describing it as both "horrid and wonderful." However, his mood shifts to irritation when the Warrior in Black intervenes, stealing the Dark Dragon Balls. Crimson, who remains enigmatic with his masked identity, denies any connection to Fu when questioned by Hearts and disappears mysteriously.
In the manga, Crimson reveals himself to fight Goku directly. Goku quickly identifies him as Goku Black. After transforming into Super Saiyan Rosé, Crimson defeats Goku, despite Goku using Ultra Instinct Sign. He then overpowers Super Hearts and Vegeta. While poised to deliver a lethal blow to Goku, Crimson is interrupted by a weakened Evil Saiyan Turles. Crimson eliminates Turles but not before Turles throws a Dragon Ball to Vegeta.
In the anime, Crimson later oversees a battle between Turles, Cumber, and Vegeta, urging them to fight. When Goku and Hearts arrive, Crimson reveals his identity as Black by transforming into Super Saiyan Rosé. Despite their best efforts, Goku and Hearts are swiftly defeated by Crimson. Vegeta attempts to fight but fails to maintain his Berserk-Controlled form, forcing him to retreat. Crimson prepares a devastating attack to destroy Vegeta and the pseudo–Planet Vegeta, but Goku intervenes using Ultra Instinct Sign, managing to outmaneuver Crimson and deliver powerful blows.
Irritated yet intrigued by the prospect of further growth, Crimson uses his Finger Beams to bombard the Pseudo Universe's Planet Vegeta, taunting Goku and savoring the planet's destruction. His frustration escalates when Cell arrives to save Goku's group and Turles disrupts his attacks. After eliminating Turles in retaliation, Crimson expresses his disdain for the interference of the dead and other meddlers like Demigra and Shroom, leaving the pseudo-Planet Vegeta to its fate.
Crimson's ultimate plan becomes clearer when the Warrior in Black confronts him, revealing a Goku-like appearance under his hood. They engage in a fierce battle, and Crimson transforms into Super Saiyan Rosé 2, explaining his intention to use the Pseudo Universe to wipe out all mortals in both the Pseudo Universe and Universe 7 without interference from gods. The Warrior in Black holds his ground in Super Saiyan form, but Crimson's transformation into Super Saiyan Rosé 3 gives him the upper hand. As Crimson attempts to finish him off, Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku and Berserk-Controlled Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta arrive, turning the tide.
Goku and Vegeta fight Crimson, initially gaining the upper hand. Goku blasts Crimson into a building but soon runs out of energy, dropping out of his Ultra Instinct state. Crimson's mask is damaged, weakening him, but he absorbs energy from the Pseudo Universe to heal and restore his power. He then powers up to Super Saiyan Rosé Full Power, significantly increasing his strength and shattering most of his mask. Despite Vegeta's attempts, Crimson reverts him to base form with a single powerful blast.
Golden Meta-Cooler and Frieza arrive to challenge Crimson but are easily repelled. Crimson summons Omega Shenron using a Scroll of Eternity, who then attacks Meta-Cooler and Frieza. With Cumber and Hearts engaging Omega Shenron, Goku and Vegeta confront Crimson directly. Crimson gathers more energy from the Pseudo Universe to create fake mortals and further enhance his power. However, Golden Meta-Cooler and Frieza's attacks buy Goku and Vegeta enough time to fuse into Gogeta.
As Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta, they battle Crimson, who can heal rapidly thanks to the Pseudo Universe's energy. Gogeta powers up to Super Saiyan God SS Evolved to outmatch Crimson's healing ability, landing devastating blows that overwhelm Crimson. Shocked by his body's failure to heal as expected, Crimson is enraged at the prospect of being overpowered by a Saiyan. He charges at Gogeta but is struck down, breaking the remainder of his mask and disintegrating his body, thus ending Crimson's threat.
With Crimson's demise, Omega Shenron is sent back to his original timeline. In the manga, similar events occur, though Gogeta defuses before the final strike, leaving Crimson to be finished off by a combined energy wave from Goku and the Warrior in Black.
Tier: Low 1-C | Low 1-C
Key: Base - Super Saiyan Rosé 3 | Super Saiyan Rosé Full Power
Powers and Abilities:
Resistance to
Extreme Resistance to
Extreme Resistance, Possibly Immunity to
Attack Potency: Low Complex Multiverse level (Was stated to have fought and killed 99 incarnations of Goku, at least one of whom in the manga was able to use Ultra Instinct -Sign-. In his Super Saiyan Rosé form, Crimson fought on par with BBM Ultra Instinct -Sign- SDBH Goku and kicked him out of the form. Held an edge over Super Hearts, and obliterated an injured Evil Saiyan Turles with one energy wave. Is far stronger in his higher Rosé forms, as a Super Saiyan Rosé 3, he brought the SSJ1 Warrior in Black Clothes to his knees, who in turn dominated both Dark Dragon Balls SDBH amped Golden Frieza and Golden Cooler in his base form. Was stated to wield power enough to put an end to existence itself) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Much stronger than before. Claimed that he 'surpassed the original,' thus placing him above even Perfected Ultra Instinct CC Goku. Forced CC Gogeta to use Super Saiyan Blue Evolution and even then still held his ground long enough for Gogeta to de-fuse)
Speed: Immeasurable (Comparable to CC Goku. Travelled across time and histories, and killed 99 incarnations of Goku across different realities. With Super Saiyan Rosé, he kept up with Ultra Instinct -Sign- CC Goku. Faster with higher transformations) | Immeasurable (Faster than before. Kept up with SSB CC Gogeta, forced him to use Super Saiyan Blue Evolution)
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable (Killed 99 different incarnations of Goku, one of whom possessed Ultra Instinct -Sign-. Comparable to Big Bang Mission Pre-Demon Time Chamber Ultra Instinct -Sign- CC Goku as a Super Saiyan Rosé) | Immeasurable (Comparable to SSB CC Gogeta, who at the time is superior to both SSB CC Vegito and SFP4LB Xeno Vegito who in turn restrained Dark King Fu during the Universe Creation Saga)
Striking Strength: Low Complex Multiverse level (Comparable to CC Goku, in his Super Saiyan Rosé he kicked Ultra Instinct -Sign- CC Goku out of his form) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Much stronger than before)
Durability: Low Complex Multiverse level | Low Complex Multiverse level (Much more durable than before, constantly enduring SSB CC Gogeta's strikes and holding his ground against him with SSBE long enough for CC Gogeta to de-fuse)
Stamina: At least Superhuman, up to Infinite (Comparable to warriors like Goku, Vegeta, Hearts, constantly fought with them without showing sign of exhaustion. Withstood numerous strikes from CC Gogeta who is masssively superior to him and still kept fighting, can absorb energy from the environment to supply his energy reserve. He possesses a pure energy body thus lack biological stamina, the only thing he need is energy for his body so as long as there are energy for him to absorbs, he will continue to fight, and if the energy source is limitless then he can fight endlessly)
Range: Standard Melee Range. Extended Melee Range with Fierce God Slicer and Sickle of Sorrow, far higher with Space-Time Cut. At least Universal with Ki / Energy / Life-Force Absorption (Absorbed all the ki / energy / life-force across the entire pseudo-universe that was born from the numerous battles taking place there). Low Complex Multiversal & Interdimensional with Ki Attacks, Time Travel. Higher with Dimensional Travel, Teleportation, and Portal Creation (Like Fu and Chronoa, Crimson-Masked Saiyan is capable of reaching the Crack of Time, a dimension outside the flow of time and the entire multiverse which even Gods like Beerus, Zeno and special powerful beings like Super Shenron can't even reach)
Standard Equipment: Time Breaker Mask, Time Ring, Dark Dragon Balls, Time Scroll
Intelligence: At least Gifted (Even before he stole Goku's body, the Kai known as Zamasu was an abnormally skilled and powerful fighting prodigy who could put up a fight against Goku. After stealing his body and beginning his crusade against mortals, Zamasu, now known as Goku Black was given the Time Breaker Mask and informed by Fu of his failure in the future so instead of joining force with another Zamasu, he sought-out to master his new body instead, and rapidly began to grow in skill by travelling through timelines, fighting many versions of Goku. After killing 99 Gokus, he was able to accurately replicate his style, he is able to quickly adapt to new circumstances in combat, combined with his knowledge of timeline travelling and fighting many versions of Goku, he is capable of fighting evenly with Ultra Instinct Omen CC Goku. He also far more manipulative and more knowledgeable than his canon counterpart, took advance of Fu's situation and planned to suit his own agenda, despite also being manipulated by Fu)
Weaknesses: His regeneration and immortality is based on the use of energy, exhausting that can lead to a shortage of energy thus slowing down his regeneration or even stop it; however very difficult when Crimson is fighting weaker or comparable opponents. He needs to launch one of his seven Dark Dragon Balls at his targets to corrupt them.