Majin Buu (Super Dragon Ball Heroes)

From The Character Database
Articles about Majin Buu
Canon, Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Kid Buu DBH

Majin Buu (魔人ブウ (純粋) Majin Bū (Junsui), lit. "Demon Person Buu (Pure)") appears in alternate forms in various timelines explored in Dragon Ball Heroes. These versions introduce new, time-altering narratives centered around Kid Buu's raw power and destructive tendencies:

  • Alternate Timeline Majin Buu: This version of Kid Buu originates from a timeline where Babidi, using time travel, granted him the ability to absorb additional beings. This drastically enhances his power, making him an even greater threat than his canonical counterpart.
  • Dark Demon God Buu: An alternate version of Xeno Kid Buu merges with the Three-Star Dark Dragon Ball. This transformation allows him to absorb Demon God Xeno Dabura, resulting in a powerful entity known as Dark Demon God Buu. In this form, he seeks out more Dark Dragon Balls to augment his already immense strength, wreaking havoc across time.
Names Xeno Majin Buu(じんブウ:ゼノ, Majin Bū: Zeno lit. "Majin Boo: Xeno") Kid Buu (じんブウ(じゅんすいMajin Bū (Junsui)), Pure Buu: Xeno

Kid Buu: Xeno Dark Dragon Ball Buu (by Xeno Trunks)

Gender Male
Race Majin
Occupation Warrior
Origin Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission! Chapter 4: "The Unknown Cell"( X未知なるセル Ekkusu-naru Seru)
Alignment Evil
Age Time Immemorial, at least 5 million
Created By Yoshitaka Nagayama, Toei Animation, Bandai Namco
Height Varies
Weight Varies


Xeno Majin Buu resembles Kid Buu from the main timeline but with unique features marking his altered status. A Dark Dragon Ball is embedded in his chest, signifying his enhanced power. His eyes are blank yellow, an effect of the Dark Dragon Ball's influence. Upon absorbing warriors like Demon God Xeno Dabura and Xeno Janemba, Buu incorporates their characteristics into his appearance, such as Dabura's demonic clothing and the fusion of their swords into a single, distinct blade.


Xeno Majin Buu's personality aligns closely with Kid Buu's destructive and chaotic nature. However, after absorbing Xeno Dabura, he begins speaking with more coherence and intelligence, reminiscent of Super Buu after absorbing Gotenks and Piccolo. This demonstrates a shift towards calculated malice while retaining his primal instincts.


Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Dark Empire Saga

Xeno Majin Buu, fused with the Three-Star Dark Dragon Ball, engages Xeno Goku in an intense battle on the Sacred World of the Kai. When Demon God Xeno Dabura intervenes and slices Buu in half, Buu regenerates and takes Dabura off guard, absorbing him. The absorption amplifies Buu’s power to an extraordinary level, enabling him to annihilate the entire Dark Empire fleet.

Turning his focus back to Xeno Goku, Buu gains the upper hand until Xeno Trunks and Xeno Vegeta arrive. Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan but struggles against Buu. To counter his power, Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta fuse into Xeno Vegito, resulting in an evenly matched battle. However, Buu escapes through a space-time rift upon Chamel's appearance.

Buu resurfaces in Hell during the battle between the Time Patrol and Towa's forces. There, he claims the Five-Star Dark Dragon Ball and absorbs it along with Xeno Janemba’s remains, further increasing his strength before vanishing once more.

In a climactic encounter, Buu interrupts the fight between the Time Patrol and Xeno Slug, injuring Slug with his sword by manipulating rifts to inflict damage. He then attempts a decisive attack on Towa but is intercepted by Demon God Salsa. Now fully stabilized in his power, Salsa uses his Trick of Tornadoes technique to destroy both Buu and Slug, recovering their Dark Dragon Balls in the process.

World Mission

In Chapter 3, Side Story: Kabra's Adventure, Majin Hero Kabra of the Time Patrol's Dragon Ball Heroes team investigates an anomaly where he encounters Xeno Majin Buu, fused with the Three-Star Dark Dragon Ball. As the confrontation unfolds, a Fat Majin Buu (unspecified as either Innocent Buu or Good Buu) arrives, lamenting that Xeno Majin Buu's rampage has left him without friends to play with.

Xeno Trunks suggests that Kabra ally with the Fat Majin Buu to simplify handling Xeno Majin Buu. Kabra extends friendship to the Fat Majin Buu, who enthusiastically agrees, gaining a new ally in the process. Xeno Trunks commends Kabra for befriending Fat Majin Buu and directs him to take down the "Dark Dragon Ball Buu."

Powers and Statistics

Tier: 2-C | 2-C | Low 1-C

Key: Base | Absorbed | Xeno Majin Buu

Powers and Abilities:


Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Should be comparable to his Anime counterpart) | Low Multiverse level (Stronger than before with his various forms result from his absorption) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Just with the Three-Star Dark Dragon Ball absorbed, he could fight on par with base Xeno Goku. Became far more powerful after absorbing Demon God Xeno Dabura, started to overwhelm the entire Dark Empire fleet, and then fought on par with Xeno Vegito. Becomes even stronger after absorbing Xeno Janemba)

Speed: Infinite (Far superior to Base Goku, who traveled across the infinite afterlife during the Otherworld Tournament Saga) | Far higher (Faster than before) | Immeasurable (After fusing with a Dark Dragon Ball his power grew tremendously, allowing him to keep up with base Xeno Goku. Faster after absorbing Demon God Xeno Dabura and even faster after absorbing Xeno Janemba)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Unknown

Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level | Low Multiverse level | Low Complex Multiverse level (Can harm base Xeno Goku. Gets stronger after absorbing Demon God Xeno Dabura and then Xeno Janemba)

Durability: Low Multiverse level | Low Multiverse level | Low Complex Multiverse level

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range; at least Extended Melee Range, far higher with Body Control & Elasticity; Low Multiversal with Ki-based attacks and Teleportation | Standard Melee Range; Extended Melee Range with his sword, far higher with Body Control & Elasticity; Low Complex Multiversal & Interdimensional with ki blasts and attacks, time travel; higher with teleportation, dimensional travel, and portal creation

Standard Equipment: None notable | Darkness Sword with Xeno Dabura absorbed | Fused Darkness Sword with Xeno Janemba absorbed (he fused Xeno Dabura Darkness Sword with Xeno Janemba Dimension Sword, create his new sword with abilities from both blades)

Intelligence: Depends on his form. Monsterous and nearly animalistic in intelligence, he makes up for it with exceptional skill in combat and the ability to mimic other techniques. With Demon God Xeno Dabura absorbed his intelligence should be comparable to Dabura himself.

Weaknesses: Should be similar to his Anime counterpart.

Attacks and Techniques

Flight: Ability to fly by manipulating ki.

Ki Blast: A basic energy wave attack.

Body Manipulation: His malleable body allows him to reshape and control his form, enabling a wide range of attacks and defense strategies.

Regeneration: He can regenerate from any surviving piece of himself, requiring complete obliteration to be killed. His regenerative abilities also allow him to perform actions like self-detonation or detaching parts of his body without permanent harm.

Absorption: Buu can absorb victims by engulfing them, gaining their power and abilities.

Dark Vanishing Ball: A Planet Burst technique infused with the power of the Three-Star Dark Dragon Ball, serving as Xeno Majin Buu’s super attack in Super Dragon Ball Heroes.

Hell Gate: A spacetime portal ability obtained by absorbing Demon God Dabura. It enables combat and movement purposes, including time travel.

Hell Gate Slasher: A technique where multiple Hell Gates are created, summoning Demon God Darkness Swords to attack enemies. This is also a result of absorbing Dabura.

Dark Rakshasa's Claw: A super attack developed after absorbing Xeno Janemba, adding to his arsenal.

Portal Opening: After absorbing Evil Demon Janemba, Buu acquires the ability to use portals for combat and movement, including time travel.


  • Despite his overwhelming strength, even characters within the series are unsure of the full extent of his power due to his erratic and unconventional ki signature.
  • Dark Demon God Buu makes his debut appearance and as a playable character in Super Dragon Ball Heroes, introduced in the third mission of the series (SDBH3).
  • JanemBuu first appears in the fifth mission in Super Dragon Ball Heroes in which Dark Demon God Buu absorbs Evil Demon Xeno Janemba, and was made playable in the sixth mission. He additionally gains the Five-Star Dark Dragon Ball in this state, though it is not visible on his being.


  1. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 232
  2. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 259
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 282
  4. 4.0 4.1 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 255
  5. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 267
  6. 6.0 6.1 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 275
  7. 7.0 7.1 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 246
  8. 8.0 8.1 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 281
  9. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 245
  10. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 266
  11. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 269
  12. 12.0 12.1 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 284
  13. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 247
  14. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 265
  15. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 276
  16. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 256
  17. 17.0 17.1 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 235
  18. Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans (Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 Bonus OVA 2010 Remake)"
  19. Dragon Ball GT Anime Episode 44
  20. 20.0 20.1 Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 67
  21. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 71
  22. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 72
  23. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 104
  24. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 111
  25. SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 12
  26. Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission X
  27. Dragon Ball Super Toei Timeline
  28. Official DBS Blu-ray Disk Artbook
  29. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
  30. Dragon Ball Fusions
  31. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 268
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 249
  33. 33.0 33.1 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 260
  34. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 264
  35. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 274
  36. 36.0 36.1 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 241
  37. 37.0 37.1 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 243
  38. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 248
  39. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 234
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 Dragon Ball Z - Episode 278
  41. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 270
  42. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 277
  43. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 258
  44. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 55
  45. Dragon Ball GT - Episode 43
  46. Dragon Ball GT - Episode 44
  47. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 238
  48. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 254
  49. Dragon Ball Z - Episode 252