Bardock (Super Dragon Ball Heroes)
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Bardock (Dragon Ball Z), Bardock (Dragon Ball Super) Bardock (Super Dragon Ball Heroes) |
Xeno Bardock (バーダック:ゼノ Bādakku: Zeno) is a version of Bardock from a separate timeline. Like his main timeline counterpart, he was brainwashed by the Dark Empire and temporarily became the Masked Saiyan. After breaking free, he briefly served as a Time Patroller before abandoning his identity to become the enigmatic Warrior in Black (黒衣の戦士 Kokui no Senshi lit. "Warrior in Black Clothes"). He later joined the ranks of former Supreme Kai of Time Aeos, working alongside other Warriors in Black.
During the Dark Demon Realm Saga, Xeno Bardock initially serves as an antagonist in his Masked Saiyan form before transitioning into a supporting protagonist across several sagas. However, he temporarily reverts to an antagonistic role during the Supreme Kai of Time Saga.
Names | Bardock, (バーダック:ゼノ Bādakku: Zeno), Warrior in Black (黒衣の戦士 Kokui no Senshi lit. "Warrior in Black Clothes"), Masked Saiyan, Kokui |
Gender | Male ♂ |
Race | Saiyan |
Occupation | Time Breaker, Time Patroller |
Origin | Dragon Ball Online (ドラゴンボールオンライン Doragon Bōru Onrain) (드래곤볼 온라인 Deulaegon Bol Onlain) (February 5, 2010) |
Alignment | Reformed |
Age | Not Stated |
Created By | Akira Toriyama (design),
KOR NTL Inc. Ch Shanda Games JPN Bird Studio/Shueisha KOR CJ Internet Corporation JPN Namco Bandai |
Personality Type | INTJ, 5w4 (Enneagram) |
Portrayed By | Masako Nozawa |
Xeno Bardock's original attire closely resembles his main timeline counterpart’s, featuring a bloodstained headband (likely once belonging to his version of Tora), Saiyan battle armor, and a scouter, as seen during the Super Bardock Saga. While under the Dark Empire’s control, he donned a mask and Time Breaker battle armor as the Masked Saiyan. After being freed by Xeno Trunks, he adopted a new look, wearing a dark green jumpsuit beneath black battle armor with lime green side panels while keeping his red headband, wristbands, and shin guards.
As the Warrior in Black, Xeno Bardock wears brown pants, a gray belt, and black boots with gray accents at the front and heel. His upper body is covered by a black undershirt with a brown masked shirt over it, hiding his mouth and scars. He retains his headband, wristbands, and shin guards beneath his clothing. To fully conceal his identity, he wears a hooded black cloak that covers his distinctive hair, though he discards it when preparing to battle Jiren and Goku.
Xeno Bardock shares many personality traits with his main timeline counterpart, including his lone-wolf nature, Saiyan pride, and love for battle. Though he joined Chronoa’s Time Patrol, he has had little direct interaction with alternate versions of his family members, despite being a devoted husband to his version of Gine. He does, however, respect Xeno Trunks, who freed him from brainwashing and shares his deep hatred for Frieza and his lineage.
Having suffered manipulation from both the Frieza Force and the Dark Empire, Xeno Bardock initially looks down on Xeno King Vegeta, seeing him as weak for willingly becoming the Dark-Masked King. Over time, he appeals to Vegeta’s Saiyan pride, leading to a mutual rivalry akin to that of their sons, Goku and Vegeta.
Despite his hardened demeanor, Xeno Bardock remains committed to protecting the timelines under the Time Patrol’s jurisdiction, much like how his main counterpart sought to preserve the Saiyan race. His mission conflicts with Aeos’ agenda, yet he ultimately joins her cause, adopting a silent and ominous presence while attempting to leave his past behind. However, his true nature still reflects his former self, as shown by his continued attachment to Tora’s headband and his lingering affection for Goku. He actively fought to stop Crimson’s plan and stood alongside Goku in the Pseudo Universe, a decision Aeos allowed. Upon battling Goku, Xeno Bardock was awed by his son’s growth and, despite losing, found satisfaction in their fight, urging Goku to continue forward and survive.
Little is known about this version of Bardock other than his origins in a separate dimension. The Super Bardock Saga in Dragon Ball Heroes implies that he experienced the events of The Father of Goku similarly to his main counterpart but was intercepted by the Time Breakers after being sent into the past by Frieza’s Supernova. Like Bardock in Dragon Ball Online, he was converted into a Time Breaker and became the Masked Saiyan.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes
Dark Demon Realm Saga
In the manga, Xeno Bardock first appears as the Masked Saiyan, acting under the control of Towa and Mira. When Chronoa and Xeno Trunks infiltrate their hideout, Towa orders the Masked Saiyan to attack Xeno Trunks. Although he initially overwhelms Trunks in base form, the battle evens out once Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan. Eventually, Trunks damages his opponent's mask.
As Super Mira moves in to attack Xeno Trunks, the Masked Saiyan’s mask fully shatters, revealing himself as Xeno Bardock. Now free from Towa’s control, he allies with Xeno Trunks, and together they force Mira and Towa to retreat. After parting ways with Xeno Trunks and the Supreme Kai of Time, Xeno Bardock gazes at the moon. He later accepts Chronoa’s invitation to join the Time Patrol.
Dark Empire Saga
When the Dark-Masked King is dispatched to capture Xeno Paragus, Xeno Bardock intervenes after witnessing Xeno Paragus being brutally beaten. Overwhelmed in battle, Xeno Bardock reclaims his shattered Time Breaker mask to tap into its power. Defying its corruptive influence, he transforms into Super Saiyan 3, allowing him to fight Xeno King Vegeta on equal footing.
In the game, Xeno Bardock encounters Xeno King Vegeta and declares his intent to settle a personal score, allowing Xeno Trunks to continue pursuing Mechikabura. As the battle intensifies, Dark-Masked King sheds his red cloak and Time Breaker mask, while Xeno Bardock dons his own mask and transforms into Super Saiyan 3. Their fight is interrupted when Xeno Paragus ambushes Xeno King Vegeta, only to be quickly dispatched by a blast. This distraction gives Xeno Bardock the opportunity to charge a powerful attack, which collides with Xeno King Vegeta’s, engulfing them both in an explosion.
Dark King Mechikabura Saga
In the game, Xeno Bardock and Xeno King Vegeta face off once more in the Demon Realm, where Bardock ascends to Super Saiyan 4. Mid-battle, Bardock calls a truce, appealing to Xeno King Vegeta’s Saiyan pride to turn him against Mechikabura.
The two warriors storm Mechikabura’s Tower, climbing high enough to remain unaffected by the Demon Realm’s destruction. Upon reaching the top, they engage Demon Gods Salsa and Shroom. Even after the demons assume their Dark Forms under Mechikabura’s influence, Xeno Bardock and Xeno King Vegeta prove to be formidable opponents. As their battle escalates, they are confronted by a mindless Dark Broly. Though Salsa and Shroom are ultimately slain, Xeno King Vegeta sustains a fatal wound at the hands of Dark Broly, leaving Xeno Bardock to face him alone.
During the battle, Xeno Bardock stumbles upon Xeno Trunks’ discarded Key Sword and wields it against Dark Broly, ultimately defeating him. However, the battle leaves him completely exhausted. Mustering the last of his strength, he uses the Key Sword to purge the darkness surrounding the Time Patrol, freeing them from Mechikabura’s void.
Following these events, Xeno Bardock is approached by Aeos, who reveals the devastating consequences of multiple timelines coexisting. She informs him that, as a singularity who exists beyond the central axis of history, he is uniquely suited to aid in restoring order. Although hesitant about being unable to save all timelines, Xeno Bardock listens as Aeos acknowledges the difficulty of the task, pleading for his assistance.
Eventually, he agrees to abandon his past and become her first Warrior in Black, on the condition that he is allowed to test the survivors of the "true history." Over time, he undergoes rigorous training and attains incredible power. Later, he requests permission to assist Goku in the Pseudo Universe to thwart the Crimson-Masked Saiyan’s scheme, a request that Aeos grants.
New Space-Time War Saga
Xeno Bardock debuts as the Warrior in Black in the Pseudo Universe. In the anime, he is first seen standing atop a building, watching over the streets with a red glint in his eye as he observes Goku fleeing from the Frieza Force.
During Goku's battle against Hearts, Dark Dragon Ball-infused Golden Frieza, Golden Meta-Cooler, and Legendary Super Saiyan Broly, the Warrior in Black intervenes. He effortlessly defeats Frieza and Meta-Cooler, seizing their Dark Dragon Balls before taunting Broly, challenging him to a future battle. His actions infuriate Crimson.
In another confrontation, the Crimson-Masked Saiyan launches an attack on humanity, prompting the Warrior in Black to engage him. During their fight, he shocks Goku Black by pulling back his hood, revealing his Super Saiyan form, which bears a resemblance to Goku. With an aura similar to Super Saiyan 2, he fights evenly against Super Saiyan Rosé 2 Crimson-Masked Saiyan, though Crimson still holds a slight edge. However, when Crimson ascends to Super Saiyan Rosé 3, the Warrior in Black is ultimately overpowered. As Crimson attempts to finish him off with a finger beam, Ultra Instinct Goku and Controlled Berserk Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta arrive just in time to save him.
As Goku and Vegeta battle the Crimson-Masked Saiyan, the Warrior in Black gathers the remaining Dark Dragon Balls in the Pseudo Universe. After Crimson’s defeat, he summons the Eternal Dragon and wishes for himself and his allies to escape the collapsing Pseudo Universe.
Reporting to Aeos, he confirms the Pseudo Universe has been destroyed and that he was able to save his son. Aeos acknowledges that her time has come, and the Warrior in Black is seen standing alongside three other warriors clad in the same attire.
In the manga, rather than being saved by Goku and Vegeta, the Warrior in Black is rescued by Gogeta, who deduces that he is not "Kakarot" based on his ki signature. As Gogeta fights Crimson, the Warrior in Black uncovers the truth—Crimson is siphoning energy from the Pseudo Universe to attain a form of immortality. After Gogeta defuses, the Warrior in Black joins Goku for a final combined blast, obliterating Crimson once and for all before vanishing into thin air.
Later, having gathered the remaining Dark Dragon Balls, the Warrior in Black uses them to repair the damage to the space-time continuum, making three wishes to Dark Shenron:
- Restore the real universe from the destruction caused by the Pseudo Universe.
- Erase the Pseudo Universe entirely.
- Unlock the full potential of himself and his fellow Warriors in Black.
After Dark Shenron grants his wishes, Aeos appears through a dark portal. The Warrior in Black apologizes for using the wishes for his own purpose, but Aeos assures him that she had no personal need for them anyway.
Supreme Kai of Time Saga
In the anime, the Warrior in Black briefly appears in the Time Nest alongside his fellow Warriors in Black, restraining Chronoa to prevent her from interfering with their leader, Aeos.
As the Super Space-Time Tournament begins, the Warrior in Black observes the event, commenting to Aeos on her creative approach to selecting warriors from various timelines. Aeos replies that the number of timelines has grown too vast.
During Round 2, the Warrior in Black is sent to a stylized version of Planet Vegeta. Shedding his cloak, he ascends to Super Saiyan 3 to battle Goku and Jiren. In the anime, Goku chooses to fight him alone, activating Ultra Instinct Sign, much to Bardock’s amazement. However, the warrior refuses to reveal his identity. Their clash intensifies, eventually pushing Bardock to the brink. He attempts to shift the tide with a Final Spirit Cannon, but Goku counters with a Divine Kamehameha, overpowering Bardock’s attack. Despite his loss, Bardock smirks, excited by the chance to grow stronger after witnessing Goku’s evolution. As he reverts to his base form and falls to the ground, he exchanges a knowing glance with his son.
In the manga, it is Jiren, not Goku, who challenges the Warrior in Black. Their battle is fierce, but Jiren effortlessly tanks or dodges most attacks. A devastating strike sends the Warrior flying into a cliffside. Recovering, he powers up to Super Saiyan and fires a blast in retaliation, yet his attacks remain ineffective. Determined, he rips off his cloak to further enhance his power, finally managing to land several hits. However, Jiren retaliates with a brutal punch, sending dust and debris flying across the battlefield.
Recalling his wish to Dark Shenron, the Warrior in Black transforms into Super Saiyan 3, prompting Jiren to unleash more of his own power. Their fight becomes even more destructive until Goku intervenes, requesting Jiren to let him handle the battle.
The two Saiyans resume their fight, with Goku matching the Warrior’s Super Saiyan 3 form but quickly finding himself overpowered. Realizing the immense gap in strength, Goku ascends to Super Saiyan God, then further to Super Saiyan Blue. Their battle intensifies, but the Warrior in Black remains mostly unfazed, questioning if that is all Goku has to offer. He then unleashes a barrage of crackling, lightning-like energy blasts, forcing Goku into a defensive stance. In the ensuing explosion, Goku activates Ultra Instinct Sign, dodging the Warrior’s attacks with ease and countering with his own.
After a series of evenly matched blows, both warriors leap back—Goku charging a full-power Kamehameha, while the Warrior in Black prepares a Final Spirit Cannon. Their attacks collide in a fierce struggle for dominance. As they push their limits, the Warrior in Black declares that it is time for both of them to surpass their limits.
In response, Goku ascends to Perfected Ultra Instinct, overwhelming the Warrior in Black’s attack. As the blast consumes him, Bardock briefly recalls Aeos speaking about parallel histories. Smiling in acceptance, he reverts to base form and tells Goku that he has passed. Before losing consciousness, he refers to Goku as "Kakarot", instructing him to live and survive. Goku is left puzzled by how the mysterious warrior knows his Saiyan name.
Later, Xeno Bardock reappears during the final battle against Dark King Demigra. As Goku and the Future Warrior in Black struggle to match Demigra’s Chaotic Gigantes, Bardock—now in his enhanced Super Saiyan 3 form—joins in with his Final Spirit Cannon, creating a Three Generations Kamehameha. Encouraging his allies to unleash their full strength, Bardock ascends to Super Saiyan 4, further amplifying their combined attack. Eventually, the immense energy wave overpowers Demigra, eradicating him.
Upon returning to the Selection Realm, Xeno Bardock and the other Warriors in Black prepare to accompany Aeos on a journey across different Space-Times. Before departing, Bardock, smiling, declares that next time, he will defeat Kakarot.
In the manga, as the Warriors in Black and Aeos travel through the Crack of Time, Aeos asks if Bardock regrets not staying to witness his sons battle. Bardock responds that he has seen enough.
Other Dragon Ball Stories
World Mission
In the Super Bardock Saga, Xeno Bardock is revealed as the former leader of Team Bardock. After the destruction of Planet Vegeta by Xeno Frieza, he is sent into the past, only to be captured by the Dark Empire and transformed into the Masked Saiyan.
As the Masked Saiyan, he battles against the Time Patrol (represented by the player and their deck), fighting alongside the Black-Masked Saiyan, Dark Towa, Time Breaker Dabura, Super Mira, Haru Haru, and Shun Shun. After an intense fight, the Time Patrol successfully breaks the Time Breaker mind control, freeing Bardock. Reunited with his wife, Gine, he is later recruited by Chronoa into the Time Patrol, joining them in the fight against the Dark Empire.
Powers and Statistics
Tier: High 3-A | Low 1-C | Low 1-C | Low 1-C | Low 1-C
Key: Dark Demon Realm Saga | Dark Empire Saga | Dark King Mechikabura Saga | New Space-Time War Saga | Supreme Kai of Time Saga
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Limited Longevity (Known intergalactically as the "warrior race of the universe", Saiyans have evolved to remain in their physical prime for a long period of time. Their bodies remain child-like for several years before rapidly growing into their adult bodies,[1] and they age slowly after reaching their prime[2] in order to remain young and battle-ready for decades[3]; after reaching a certain age, however, they rapidly grow frail. Additionally, Saiyans have a longer lifespan[4] than humans)
- Reactive Evolution (Saiyans can evolves to counters against special abilities/techniques[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] that can cause harm to them)
- Enhanced Senses
- Accelerated Development (Battle & Training, Physical Statistics& Abilities)
- Acausality (Type 2; He is stated to be a singularity who "escaped" from history's central axis)
- Master Martial Artist
- Afterimages
- Acrobatics (Hypermobility, Self-Momentum & All-Terrain Mobility)
- Immortality & Immortality Negation (Type 4; Can resurrect himself and negate others's resurrection chance. 2 allies)
- Precognition
- Ki Manipulation (Heroes & Xenoverse Exclusive - Master)
- Flight
- Extrasensory Perception (Can sense God Ki)
- Supernatural Willpower
- Radiation Manipulation (Can produce his own Blutz Waves needed for transforming into a Great Ape)
- Transformation (Can tranform into a Great Ape)
- Dimensional Travel & Time Travel
- Damage Boost (Can passively boost his damage)
- Energy Absorption & Reduction (Can absorb and reduce the opponents energy)
- Statistics Amplification & Reduction (Can passively reduce an enemy's statistics)
- Stealing (Can steal his opponents statistics to increase his own)
- Limited Power Nullification (Needs 2 allies)
- Durability Negation (Can negate his opponent's durability and defensive skills)
- Damage Reduction & Damage Reduction Negation (Passively reduces the damage he can receive to half and negates the opponent's damage reduction abilities)
- Recovery (Can passively recover himself)
- Weather Manipulation (Via this)
- Adaptation (Can adapt to gravity)
- Fire Manipulation & Temperature Manipulation (Via Heat Phalanx)
- Stamina Reduction & Status Effect Inducement (Can reduce his opponent stamina via normal attacks or skills. Can disable all of his opponents abilities, powers and actions by reducing their stamina to zero; making them unable to act)
Resistance to:
- Dark Ki (Resists Dark Ki's effects, due to wearing a Time Breaker Mask which grant Dark Ki, later he resisted the Dark Ki from it)
- Extreme Cold (Is fine in the vacuum of space)
- Extreme Heat & Extreme Radiation (Saiyans are unaffected by heat and radiation from a Big Bang[22][26][27][28][29])
- Disease Manipulation (Saiyans are immune to the Extinction Bomb, which releases a planet-wide supervirus aimed at extinguishing the targeted population and has been stated to work on other alien planets in the past)
- Death Manipulation (Resists the Devilmite Beam [DBH] which can instantly kill the target)
- Status Effect Inducement (Resists being stunned)
- Stamina Reduction
- Damage Reduction
Attack Potency: High Universe level (Fought Xeno Trunks before his training with Xeno Goku, and Mira) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Stronger than before, fought Dark-Masked King Vegeta) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Stronger than before, and fought Dark Broly) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Stronger than before. Stomped a Dark Dragon Ball-enhanced Super Dragon Ball Heroes Golden Frieza & Cooler in just his base form, and fought the Super Saiyan Rosé 2 Crimson-Masked Saiyan as a Super Saiyan, forcing him to use Super Saiyan Rosé 3) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Stronger than before due to having his potential drawn out by Dark Shenron. He fought Ultra Instinct -Sign- Goku as a Dark Dragon Ball-enhanced Super Saiyan 3. As a Dark Dragon Ball-enhanced Super Saiyan 4, Bardock, alongside Ultra Instinct Goku and the enhanced Super Saiyan 2 Future Warrior in Black, overpowered TPU Demigra in an energy clash)
Speed: Infinite (Far superior to Base Goku, who traveled across the infinite afterlife during the Otherworld Tournament Saga and is comparable to Demons like Towa before she became a Demon Goddess and Mira, Xeno Trunks before his training) | Immeasurable (His power and speed grew tremendously, becoming comparable to the Demon Gods, Time Patrollers and Dark-Masked King Vegeta who was empowered by Mechikabura's Dark Factor, which made King Vegeta superior to Demon Gods and Dark Dragon Ball Warriors. Later he somewhat kept up with a resurrected Dark Broly) | Immeasurable (Faster than before, kept up with Dark Broly) | Immeasurable | Immeasurable
Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Immeasurable (Far stronger than a Dark Dragon Ball-enhanced SDBH Golden Frieza & Cooler even in base form) | Immeasurable (Comparable to Ultra God Mission Goku)
Striking Strength: High Universe level | Low Complex Multiverse level | Low Complex Multiverse level | Low Complex Multiverse level | Low Complex Multiverse level
Durability: High Universe level (Took hits from Xeno Trunk before his training, and Mira) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Took hits from Dark-Masked King Vegeta) | Low Complex Multiverse level (Took hits from Dark Broly) | Low Complex Multiverse level | Low Complex Multiverse level (Comparable to Goku and fought his Ultra Instinct Sign form as a Dark Dragon Ball-enhanced Super Saiyan 3, and was seemingly comparable to his Ultra Instinct form as a Dark Dragon Ball-enhanced Super Saiyan 4)
Stamina: Superhuman (Comparable to fighters like Mira, Xeno Trunks. Fought and get beaten by Dark-Masked King Vegeta and still stand up and continue to fight)
Range: Standard Melee Range. High Universal & Interdimensional with Ki Attacks. Low Complex Multiversal & Interdimensional with Time Travel. Higher with Dark Ki (Dark Ki can reach to the Crack of Time) | Standard Melee Range. Extended Melee Range with Keysword. Low Complex Multiversal & Interdimensional with Ki Attacks, Time Travel. Higher with Dark Ki
Standard Equipment: Time Breaker Mask | Same as before | None | Dark Dragon Balls | None
- Optional Equipment: Keysword (Dark King Mechikabura Saga only)
Intelligence: Unknown, Genius in combat (Same as his Toei counterpart)
Weaknesses: None Notable
Note: There are actually two Bardocks with Super Saiyan 4 in Heroes. First one is Xeno Bardock, and the other is a result of Dark Shenron's dark presence warping and distorting timelines, creating a history where a Bardock achieved Super Saiyan 4 with unknown means, was sent to the Time Nest and fought Xeno Trunks, then disappeared after being defeated.
Attacks and Techniques
Flight – The ability to fly using ki.
Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.
Rebellion Trigger – A Final Spirit Cannon unleashed as an energy wave, used by Xeno Bardock in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Dark Rebellion Trigger – A variation of Rebellion Trigger infused with dark ki, used by the Masked Saiyan in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Darkness Rebellion Trigger – A stronger version of Dark Rebellion Trigger, also used by the Masked Saiyan in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Wild Rebellion Trigger – A variant of Rebellion Trigger utilized by Xeno Bardock in his Super Saiyan 4 form in Dragon Ball Heroes.
3 Generations Kamehameha – A combined attack featuring Xeno Bardock's Rebellion Trigger alongside Goku and the Future Warrior in Black's Father-Son Kamehameha.
Super Rebellion Cannon – A fiery blue Mouth Energy Wave unleashed by Great Ape Xeno Bardock.
Super Dark Rebellion Cannon – A fiery red and orange variant of Super Rebellion Cannon, used by the Great Ape Masked Saiyan.
Heat Phalanx – A rush attack performed by Xeno Bardock in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Rebellion Edge – A high-speed dual-blade rush attack used by Xeno Bardock in his Super Saiyan 3 form in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Full Charge Rebellion Edge – A powered-up version of Rebellion Edge, serving as Super Saiyan 3 Xeno Bardock’s Super Attack in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Rebellion Fang – Another rush attack technique used by Xeno Bardock in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Telekinesis – The Warrior in Black demonstrates telekinetic abilities by making Dragon Balls levitate in his hand.
Finish Impact – The Warrior in Black's Super Attack in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Final Spirit Cannon – A devastating Super Attack performed by the Warrior in Black in his Super Saiyan 3 form in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Father-Son Kamehameha – In both the game and manga, the Warrior in Black and Goku combine their powers to unleash a variation of the Father-Son Kamehameha.
Freeze Techniques
Freeze – A CAA Special Ability and counterattack technique based on Time Freeze in Dragon Ball Heroes.
Destructive Freeze Attack – A variant of Freeze used by PSES3-07 Base Xeno Bardock and SH6-ACP8 Super Saiyan 3 Xeno Bardock. Successfully landing this attack reduces the enemy team’s Hero Energy by 1.
Rebellious Freeze Attack – A variation of Freeze used by SH6-53 Super Saiyan 3 Xeno Bardock. Successfully hitting an opponent greatly increases their Charge Impact (CI) speed permanently and reduces enemy team Hero Energy by 1.
Victorious Freeze Attack – A variation of Freeze used by UM2-028 Base Xeno Bardock and PBBS-06 Super Saiyan 3 Xeno Bardock. When successful, it permanently increases the enemy’s CI speed.
Warrior’s Freeze Attack – A variation of Freeze used by SH2-54 Base Xeno Bardock. If successful, it deals 1.5x damage to a time-frozen enemy.
Other Abilities
The Power of the Dark – A special ability used by the boss version of Great Ape Masked Saiyan in Dragon Ball Heroes. This technique randomly selects an opponent and traps them in a dimensional rift, removing them from battle.
Swordsmanship – Xeno Bardock has notable skill in sword combat, as seen when he generates energy blades with his Rebellion Edge and Full Charge Rebellion Edge techniques. In Dragon Ball Heroes, he is also capable of wielding Xeno Trunks' Key Sword as a Super Saiyan 4 to defeat Dark Broly.
The Warrior in Black’s battle against the Crimson-Masked Saiyan in the anime bears notable similarities to Vegeta’s fight with Goku Black in the Dragon Ball Super manga:
- Both battles take place in a city setting.
- Crimson-Masked Saiyan and Vegeta both utilize variations of Super Saiyan 2 while facing off against base-form opponents.
- The Warrior in Black fights using Super Saiyan with an aura resembling Super Saiyan 2, much like Goku Black.
- The Warrior in Black is initially overwhelmed by Crimson, similar to how Super Saiyan Black struggled against Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta.
- Both Crimson and Vegeta gain the upper hand by utilizing superior transformations while their opponents lack access to those forms, nearly defeating their foes in the process.
- The Warrior in Black is the seventh Saiyan to exhibit bio-electric lightning while in his standard Super Saiyan transformation.
- ↑ Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Chapter 11, Page 9
- ↑ Toriyama Thought of It Like This” Special, Part 2 — Super Exciting Guide: Character Volume, Chapter 11, Page 9
- ↑ Daizenshuu 4: World Guide — Racial Groups (Characteristics)
- ↑ Akira Toriyama-sensei Super Q&A!!
- ↑ Dragon Ball GT Anime Episode 59
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 38
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 71
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Broly
- ↑ Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Mission 7 Short Animated PV
- ↑ DBH Arcade God Mission 9
- ↑ SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 3
- ↑ SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 11
- ↑ SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 1
- ↑ SDBH Dark Demon Realm Mission Manga Chapter 10
- ↑ SDBH UM Promotional Anime Episode 2
- ↑ SDBH UM Promotional Anime Episode 5
- ↑ SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 2
- ↑ SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 3
- ↑ SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 8
- ↑ SDBH BBM Promotional Anime Episode 15
- ↑ Jump up to: 22.0 22.1 SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 4
- ↑ SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 8
- ↑ SDBH BBM Promotional Anime Episode 19
- ↑ SDBH Arcade Big Bang Mission 12
- ↑ SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 6
- ↑ Super Dragon Ball Heroes 10th Anniversary Super Guide
- ↑ SDBH UGM Promotional Anime Episode 10
- ↑ SDBH UGM Promotional Anime Episode 11
- ↑ SDBH Big Bang Mission Manga Chapter 15.5 (Bonus Story)